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    The Oprah Effect

    Oprah Winfrey is one of the great modern day success stories. Beginning with her early childhood in rural Mississippi, Oprah has persevered through hardship and struggle. She has endured sexual abuse, racism and gender discrimination. The challenges that prevent most people from succeeding have become cornerstones to her achievement. 

    A couple years ago, Brigham Young University conducted a study detailing the effect of Oprah endorsing a book on her show or in her magazine. As most everyone now knows, books that are endorsed by Oprah shoot up the sales charts, with many becoming bestsellers. 

    The Oprah Effect, as this phenomenon is now called, also works for people. Dr. Phil, Cheryl Richardson and Stedman Graham have all enjoyed considerable economic success, not because they’re so great, but because they have been endorsed by Oprah.

    Oprah has already left an indelible mark on humanity. She has become an icon in popular culture, and has profoundly impacted the areas of television, publishing, education, health and fitness, and social awareness.

    Her influence is staggering. More than 21 million viewers a week watched Oprah’s daytime talk show, and her magazine has a circulation of 2.6 million.

    I have tremendous respect for Oprah Winfrey. Whether you like her or not, you have to appreciate the impact she has had over the last few decades. Here are a few lessons I have learned from Oprah:

    1. Life is a journey, not a destination. You’ve probably seen this quote before. It’s one of my favorites. And Oprah realizes this as much as anyone. She has experienced the full spectrum of life. Hatred and love. Poverty and wealth. Joy and sorrow. Through all of it, she has been shaped into the amazing person she is today.

    2. Be grateful. Oprah has kept a journal since she was 15 years old. I’m sure her perspective has changed over the years. But she hasn’t forgotten where she came from. And she understands the blessing that she has received.

    3. The importance of giving back. Oprah has received accolades as an actress, talk show host and businesswomen. She has also received recognition for her humanitarian efforts. Oprah not only gives of her time and money herself, but also enlists thousands of people to support various philanthropic endeavors. Her efforts have truly made a difference, especially in the areas of empowerment of women, children and families, education, and support for developing countries.

    4. You can do anything. From her modest upbringing in rural Mississippi, Oprah has risen to become one of the most recognizable people on the planet. Like her, many other people have faced seemingly insurmountable obstacles on their way to success. Oprah persevered…and so can you.

    5. Live your best life. I love this tagline. One of my favorite sayings is “Dream it. Plan it. Do it.” To me, they both say the same thing: that we were placed on the planet to make a difference in the world, to impact humanity in a positive way, and to realize our full potential. 

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