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    My Wish For You This Year

    I’m an optimist, and I’m super-excited for 2022! I am truly looking forward to the blessings of a new year. I’m excited to see what the future holds – for me, and for you

    As you jump into the new year, you might have concerns. Uncertainty. Maybe even fears.

    While we are clearly not in control of everything going on around us, we are in control of much of it. I want to share a few thoughts about how best to position yourself for success in 2022 – however you define it. 

    My hope is that not only will you benefit from this information, and put it into practice, but that you will also share these ideas – and this mindset – with those around you.

    People need hope, and they need inspiration. They need reassurance that things are going to be okay. With much of the world telling them the opposite, you have an opportunity to breathe life into those around you. To support them, to love them, and to offer positive thoughts and energy as they navigate through this uncharted territory of 2022.

    Here are a few thoughts to get you started:

    1. Keep moving

    Martin Luther King Jr. said, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” 

    Regardless of our situation, we need to keep moving. Whatever is going on in the world, we must continue to move in the direction of our desired outcomes. Despite what we are not able to do, there are always things we can do.

    The opposite of this is being paralyzed by uncertainty. Or by temporary defeat. 

    As long as we keep moving forward, we’ll eventually get there.

    2. Keep believing

    One of my favorite classic rock songs is Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’. Living in southeastern Michigan, Detroiters always sing louder during the line “born and raised in South Detroit”, even though Michiganders know there is no such place.

    The song has become an anthem for believing. For not losing faith. For not giving up, despite the obstacles that might stand in our way.

    One of the most powerful keys to success is a belief in your ability to accomplish whatever you set your mind to. My father-in-law used to say, “If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.” 

    Develop the confidence to do whatever you set your mind to. Believe in your ability to achieve your desired outcomes in 2022. Know that you can accomplish great things. And you will.

    3. Keep your eye on the prize

    I had the pleasure of interviewing some pretty amazing people last year for my podcast, LifeExcellence with Brian Bartes. One thing they all have in common is their laser-focus on what it is they’re trying to achieve. Olympian Peter Vanderkaay’s prize was the gold medal. Aditya Gupta wanted to make it back safely after ascending Mt. Everest. Sophie Silnicki’s desire was to become a Radio City Rockette, and then delight her audience with each performance of The Christmas Spectacular.

    What is your prize – your big dream – for 2022, and what will you do to make it come true? What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? Resolve to make this a great year, and make the decision that nothing is going to stop you.

    Finally… I want you to know that you’re not alone on your journey. I’m here with you to support and guide you if and when you need it.

    My wish for you is that 2022 is your best year ever. It will be for some people, so why not for you? 

    Best wishes for a healthy, happy, and prosperous year ahead!

    We would love your feedback

    • 8 January, 2022 at 6:58 am - Catherines

      Great content! Keep up the good work!

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