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    The Importance of Intentional Living 

    If you know me, are a subscriber to my newsletter, or have read my blog posts for any length of time, then you know I’m pretty intentional about how I live my life. Last year, my One Word Theme for the year was “intentional.” 

    Even though I’m intentional every year, I decided to focus even more on creating and living the life I wanted to live. That reminder helped me throughout the year to be fully present, and to stay laser-focused on the most important aspects of my life. 

    I have a different One Word Theme for 2022, but I haven’t stopped being intentional. And you shouldn’t, either.

    I’ve studied the habits of highly successful people – in every area of life – for over 30 years. What I’ve learned during this time is that successful people are very intentional about the results they want to create.

    This is true whether we’re talking about successful business people, or people I’ve studied who are physically fit or super healthy. It’s true for people who have a strong faith in God, and couples who have been married for 60 years. 

    Intentional living means knowing where you are going, and moving in that direction with determination and resolve. It helps you set a course for your life, and provides a framework for prioritizing the areas of your life that are truly important.

    Benefits of intentional living

    Here are just a few of the many benefits of living your life with intention:

    1. It causes you to think about what’s important, and to orient your life around those important areas of your life. 

    2. It provides motivation and drive to be your best self – in every area of life. 

    3. It inspires you to stay-laser focused. Once you have clarity about the direction of your life, and the resolve to continually focus on the most important areas of your life, your actions will lead to a life that is happier and more fulfilling. 

    4. It gives you the courage to let go of things that no longer serve you, and to pursue things that energize you and make a positive impact – not only for you, but for others, too. 

    How to be intentional

    Below are 10 simple ways you can be intentional every day. Use this as a starting point, and feel free to add or subtract from the list. Be intentional about being intentional!

    Decide to make 2022 your year.

    Don’t wait for it – go out and make it happen.

    Try something new this year. Get excited about life!

    Say “no” to the things and people who are no longer serving you.

    Take care of you. Prioritize self-care.

    Wake up rested, rejuvenated and ready to start your day!

    Be kind to others, and add value to people.

    Do things that scare you. Be brave.

    Do things that bring you joy.

    Feel grateful for all of life’s blessings.

    Living intentionally doesn’t happen overnight. It starts with getting clear about what you want to achieve, deciding how you’re going to live your life, and taking focused action every day that supports the things that matter most in your life.

    Success is not an accident. It doesn’t happen by chance. Rather, it’s the result of intentional living. As Yogi Berra described it, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” 

    Begin today to live more intentionally, and be sure and let me know the difference it makes in your life!

    Subscribe today for ideas, tools and strategies on how to BE YOUR BEST – in EVERY area of life!