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    How To Cultivate An Abundance Mindset

    In my general observation of people over the years, I’ve learned that many people have what I describe as a “scarcity mentality.” This belief system is defined by feelings of competition and lack. If you operate with a scarcity mindset, then you’re likely to believe life is a “zero sum game” – if someone else achieves something, then you’ve somehow lost.

    Other people, and I include myself in this category, have an “abundance mindset.” If you have an abundance mindset, then you believe there is plenty to go around. 

    One person winning does not take away from another, because resources are abundant.

    The idea that mindsets are often centered around either abundance or scarcity was popularized by Stephen Covey in his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

    I’ve written before that one of the things that holds people back the most is their own limiting beliefs about what’s possible. A scarcity mentality is one of those limiting beliefs.

    Scarcity thinking is a trap. The belief that resources are scarce creates a barrier to receiving those resources, and realizing our full potential. 

    A friend of mind, Sophie Silnicki, is a Radio City Rockette. She is an incredibly talented dancer, and one of the happiest, most positive people I know.

    When Sophie first tried out for the Christmas Spectacular Starring the Radio City Rockettes, she auditioned with over 600 other very talented dancers. There are a total of only 80 Rockettes, so the competition is intense. If Sophie had a scarcity mentality, she might have believed her chances of becoming a Rockette were very slim, because she was trying out against so many other young women. She could have easily concluded it wasn’t worth the risk, and not tried out at all. Or, if she had allowed self-doubt to creep into her thinking, it could have adversely affected her audition, causing her to not receive an offer to join the Rockettes.

    Thankfully, Sophie has an abundance mindset. She knew she had the level of talent needed to be successful, and believed she had as good a chance as any of the other dancers. After auditioning, she was offered the position, and recently concluded her third season as a Radio City Rockette! 

    I interviewed Sophie on the LifeExcellence podcast and you can learn her amazing story by listening to the show on your favorite podcast platform, or on our YouTube channel. I also had the opportunity to see The Christmas Spectacular in New York, and I highly recommend it!

    Whichever category you fall into, here are some ideas that will help you expand your thinking about what’s possible, and reframe (or expand) your thinking to help you realize and truly believe that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to.

    1. Increase your awareness

    The first part of developing an abundance mindset is noticing times when your thoughts center around scarcity, and attempting to reframe it with thoughts of abundance. 

    Just as it takes regular strength training to increase muscle mass, developing an abundance mindset will take both time and deliberate attention. As you expand your thinking and start shifting to an abundance mindset, it will begin to guide everything you do, helping you to unlock your full potential.

    2. Think positive thoughts

    Science has proven that a positive, optimistic outlook on life will cause you to be happier. When you think positive thoughts, your entire outlook on life will shift. You will feel more fulfilled, and happier. And success will follow.

    3. Keep a gratitude journal

    At the end of each day, write down three things for which you are grateful. It helps if you keep a separate notebook or journal for this purpose. You could even purchase a book that is designed specifically for recording gratitude, such as the Good Days Start With Gratitude journal.

    4. Send handwritten thank you notes or cards 

    Sure, you can do this via text or email. It’s just not the same as a handwritten note sent in the mail. I’ve found that, by making the effort to write and send a handwritten note, I receive greater pleasure from the extra effort. Also, since very few people make the effort today to send notes in the mail, your note will be appreciated even more by the recipient.

    5. Give generously to others 

    One of the great misconceptions of those with a scarcity mindset is when you give to others, you are taking away from yourself. If you tithe to your church, the thinking goes, then you will have less money in your budget for needs and wants. This is classic scarcity thinking, and couldn’t be further from the truth. 

    Visualize yourself extending your hand, palm up, with a closed fist. This is how many people are around generosity in general, and money in particular. The challenge with a closed first is your hand is not in a position to receive, either. By opening your hand, and giving to others, you are also opening yourself up to receive from others. That’s abundance!

    Shifting from a scarcity mentality to an abundance mindset is not easy, but it can be accomplished in time, with patience and practice. The world is infinite – there is an incredible abundance of everything we need. We just have to position ourselves to receive it!

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