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    Why Taking Breaks is Essential to Increase Productivity

    Time management is an essential piece of the puzzle for boosting productivity, but no one can be highly productive all the time. Trying to move full throttle through your to-do list may actually be counterproductive – causing you to lose efficiency. 

    According to research published in Scientific American, short breaks can yield a big payoff for professionals who may think they are actually too busy to stop working. Downtime can improve your attention, motivation, productivity, and creativity. 

    wondering how you possibly fit breaks into your already busy day? Here are five tips to help you utilize downtime more effectively. 

    1. Make Time for Exercise

    If you’re like me, you’ve at least occasionally justified skipping your workout because you had too many other seemingly more important things going on. However, skipping exercise can lead to serious ramifications for both your mental and physical health. Particularly if you have a demanding day ahead of you, try to plan for at least a 30-45 minutes of exercise – even if it means pausing briefly for a quick walk around the block.

    Exercise boosts your energy levels, increases focus, and decreases stress and anxiety. This is one break to take, even if you feel that your time would be better spent on more “productive” things. 

    2. Engage in Social Interaction

    If you’re like most professionals, you spend endless hours during the day staring at your computer screen or phone. Give your eyes a break for a few minutes by walking away from your desk. Instead of scrolling through social media on your phone, use your phone to call a friend. Head to the water cooler or wherever you gather with colleagues to chat, and inquire about something non-work-related.

    According to the report of a study in the Harvard Business Review, feeling a sense of love and companionship at work leads to an increase in engagement. 

    3. Stimulate Your Brain

    While physical exercise is great for both your body and your mind, there might be days when you’re simply unable to get to the gym. If you don’t have time to work up a sweat, maybe you can switch to stimulating your mind instead. 

    Take an occasional brain break by reading a magazine or a book, working on a puzzle, or jotting down thoughts in a journal. This will help your brain to focus better. Additionally, by taking a break from thinking about a work challenge, clearing your mind might help you to come up with a solution when you return. 

    4. Take Control of Email

    Email is one of the biggest time wasters in our modern world. While it can be tempting to respond to your email throughout the day, doing so interrupts your flow and focus. 

    When you take a break, take an actual moment to rest your eyes and your brain. The stress that can accompany a never-ending list of emails will only make you feel more stressed about the items on your to-do list when you get back. Set a scheduled time to check your email and ignore it until then, whenever possible.  

    5. Take a Snack Break

    You might feel like snack breaks are only for children, but they have some real benefits for you too. A healthy snack can boost your energy, giving you a little extra power to tackle that to-do list when you return. Close your eyes and take a moment to mindfully taste your food if you want to get extra energy from this power move. 

    Remember that a snack break is only going to help productivity if you choose something healthy. Choose fruit or nuts over a candy bar from the vending machine. The right food can give you an edge when it comes to brain power. Consider adopting a healthier diet if you truly want to be more productive. 

    Trying to work endlessly can feel like you’re spinning your wheels when it comes to productivity. It might seem counterintuitive, but taking reasonable breaks can actually increase your focus, problem-solving skills, and make you more efficient in the long run. Incorporating these strategies will help you make the most of your time at work, and increase overall productivity.

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