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    Go Out and Play!

    As kids, we always looked forward to recess and a break from the traditional classroom setting. We would run outside to play a game of kickball, launch ourselves higher on the swings, and play creative games with our friends. Somewhere along the way, most people lose that playfulness. We abandon the structure of recess, in pursuit of more serious endeavors. Soon, we find ourselves working hard without taking time for breaks or play. 

    However, this mindset shift may compromise your productivity, communication skills, and overall happiness. Playtime gives you an opportunity to explore your interests. It can also teach flexibility, and provide a way to creatively problem-solve when a wrench gets thrown into your plans.

    What is Play? 

    Play is something that you do for the sheer enjoyment of it. If you find that you are too zeroed in on a particular outcome, then you may want to reconsider whether this is actually a form of play for you. 

    Keep in mind that play is different for everyone. While you may derive a great sense of pleasure from playing competitive sports, others may be too focused on the outcome to enjoy the sport itself. It can start to feel too much like work or a chore if you aren’t careful. 

    Adults can benefit from playtime because it helps improve their social lives, but it is more than that. It also offers a way to sharpen your mind and keep you on your toes. 

    Here are a few ways you can incorporate more play into your life:

    1. Find What You Love

    Some people enjoy physical activity, and join a softball team or a golf league. Others enjoy attending events, such as sporting events or concerts. Some people prefer inside play, like crossword puzzles or Sudoku, or playing cards or board games with friends. These are all forms of play, and the important thing  is to find something you enjoy doing. 

    You’ll be more inclined to participate in your playtime if it is something that genuinely captures your interest. Take inventory of what sounds fun and appealing to you. This can help you decide what activities you want to work into your busy schedule. 

    2. Keep it Simple

    Playtime doesn’t have to take up the entire day. In fact, you might not even have to spend a full hour on your leisure pursuits. Find small pockets of time throughout your day where you can switch gears and find opportunities to play. Take a fifteen-minute break from your busy day to try your hand at sudoku, shoot a few baskets, or take a quick stroll around the block.

    Leave a little bit of flexibility in your daily schedule so that you have the space and availability to invest in these small moments of play daily. When you return to your work, you’ll be more focused. And you might even have the solution to the problem you spent all morning trying to solve!

    3. Strategize Your Play Sessions

    You don’t have to be uber-competitive when it comes to your preferred play activities. Having a strategy for your play sessions simply means that thinking about where you can most benefit from having some playtime incorporated into your day. 

    When you sit down to make your to-do list in the morning, you should take note of any tasks that are likely to use up mental and/or physical energy. Schedule a few minutes of play around those tasks. This will restore your focus, and give you something to look forward to.

    4. Include Others in Play

    If you want to be successful at implementing more play in your life, one way to make sure you stick to it is to find your cheerleaders. Maybe you can take your play breaks with a friend so that you both benefit from this time away. Another possibility is creating an accountability structure by having someone you check in with every evening to see how much play you were able to work into your daily schedule.

    Play is an important part of a healthy and well-balanced life. It can take almost any form, and play will provide a welcome reprieve from the demands of adult life. As my mother used to say, “Go out and play!”

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