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    Incorporating Play Into Your Life

    Intellectually, you know that incorporating play into your life  is important. But, if you’re like most people, adulthood has caused you to forget how to do something that came so naturally as a child. Over time, we realize that we don’t know exactly how to play anymore, and we’ve lost sight of how to implement this strategy into our daily life. 

    Learn What Play Means to You

    The truth is that everyone is unique in their likes, dislikes, and interests. Everybody will have a novel approach to play, and that starts with learning what play actually means to you. Generally speaking, experts believe that there are four traits that can define your playtime fun. These traits are playing with others, lightheartedness, intellectual exploration, and whimsy. 

    Just like some people are more extroverted, you might also enjoy play when it is focused on other people. Maybe gathering with friends to play a board game or going out for drinks or dinner on the weekend is your idea of a good time. It is more about who you are with rather than what you are doing. 

    If being lighthearted is more your style, then you probably approach play with a cheerful and carefree spirit, often doing things spur of the moment just because they seem interesting. 

    As you might guess, intellectual types may prefer to get in a mental workout during their play time. If this is you, then you probably enjoy working a crossword puzzle on a Sunday morning, or solving sudoku puzzles as often as you can. Problem-solving gets your creative juices flowing, and it makes you feel accomplished even while you relax. 

    Last but not least, whimsy is defined by introducing new and different things into your routine. Whimsical people enjoy more novel experiences that vary from the everyday routine of life. 

    Some people have characteristics of several of these traits, and that’s perfectly normal. Knowing what interests and motivates you will help you to find the perfect fit for your playtime activities. 

    Book Time for Play

    What’s the best way to make sure you have enough time to play in your daily life? It might sound counterintuitive, but you need to be intentional about scheduling time for play. Just as kids’ activities today are more structured, adults need to be intentional about incorporating play. Otherwise, it simply won’t happen.

    Take a look at your calendar, and choose times when you want to play. Schedule it, just as you would an important business meeting. Even if you prefer to be spontaneous, create this space for play, and then honor that time. 

    You might feel like you are too busy to play. If that’s the case, then you really need to incorporate play into your life. Find ways to motivate yourself to remain steadfast in your commitment to play more frequently. 

    Make Work More Fun

    Work doesn’t always have to be serious or boring. If you want to incorporate more play into your life, try making your “have tos” a bit more enjoyable. Get creative about turning your tasks  into fun games or challenges. This will shift your mindset around work, and maybe even alleviate a bit of stress.

    One way to do this is by listening to your favorite music. You can also create rewards for yourself after working for a certain period of time, or after completing certain tasks. The goal is to find a fun twist to an otherwise mundane or stressful activity.

    Playtime is an essential part of our fast-paced, busy lives. By discovering new ways to play, and intentionally incorporating play into your life, you can take some of the edge off your professional life, and yield huge dividends for your personal life, too. 

    Consider how you can incorporate play into your life, and then do it. Doing so will make you more productive, happier, and more fun to be around!

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