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    Choosing Your One Word Theme Of The Year

    A few years ago, I introduced the concept of a One Word Theme into my goal-setting routine. Although I create specific yearly goals for each area of my life, I like the idea of choosing a single word to help bring clarity and focus to how I want to operate during the year. It was exciting the first year I did it, and now I look forward every year to this part of my planning process.

    One year I chose “MULTIPLY.” A huge part of that focus was financial and business-oriented, but I also leveraged that theme to expand relationships and increase frequency of certain activities (like exercise).

    My One Word Theme for 2020, ironically, was “SIMPLIFY.” Nothing like a global pandemic to provide a support structure for streamlining my life!

    Whether you are a goal-setter or not, you can benefit from a theme that provides purpose and meaning to your year, and motivates you to orient your life around that theme. You can use your theme to guide your actions, your decisions, and your life.

    Here are five simple steps to help you create your One Word Theme for 2021:

    1. REFLECT

    The first step is to answer the following questions. Jot down some notes, and reflect on your answers.

    If you were not limited by time, money or responsibilities, what would you want to do with your life? 

    How would you spend your day? Who would you spend it with? What would you accomplish? 

    What do you want your life to look like? How do you want to act? What do you want to do? How do you want to be when you’re doing it?


    Next, think about the various areas of your life: business and career, personal development, wealth and finance, relationships and family, health and fitness, spiritual, fun and pleasure. Visualize how each of these areas is going, and answer the following questions:

    Which areas are falling short, and need more work? Where do you feel like you’re succeeding? What do you want to do more of? What do you want to do less of? What do you want to start doing? What do you want to stop doing? What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? What would it take for you to have everything you want – in every area of life?


    Review the list below and choose 3-5 words that encompass what stood out for you during this exercise. What do you really want for yourself, and for others? Circle the words that are jumping off the page for you. Or, if a different word comes to mind, then write that one down.


    Review the list of words you circled and/or wrote down. How does each word make you feel? Excited? Nervous? Uncomfortable? Empowered?

    Think about your answers to the earlier questions. What one word stands out above the others? What word will empower you during the next 12 months of your life, and perhaps even beyond? 

    5. COMMIT

    Once you have your list narrowed down to one word, take a couple more minutes to reflect. The main question you need to say YES! to is “Are you committed to becoming the person you will need to be to live your One Word Theme for 2021?” Is this the word that will drive you to be the best you can be in 2021? Will this word provide purpose and meaning to your year, inspiring you to orient your life around your One Word Theme?

    If your answer is a resounding “YES!!!” then you have your One Word Theme for 2021. Smile, and pat yourself on the back for this accomplishment! Over the next few days, write your One Word Theme down – on a Post-it Note or an index card. Make a sign. Be as creative with this as you’d like – make a poster, or a banner, or a background for your phone or computer. Display your One Word Theme where you can see it – on your refrigerator, or in your bathroom, on the dashboard of your car, or in your office. Review it daily, to help your life align with your One Word Theme.

    If you’re not sure you have “the one,” that’s okay. Sometimes a word emerges very quickly, and is crystal-clear. Other times, it requires a further contemplation. You might have two words that seem like a pretty good fit, and you’re trying to decide between them. If necessary, continue to think about this over the next couple days, or even a week. Make sure you arrive at a word that stands out above all others as your One Word Theme for 2021.

    I hope this exercise has been helpful, and that you are excited about your One Word Theme for 2021. Let me know what word you chose, and contact me throughout the year to share your “wins” related to your One Word Theme.

    • Accept
    • Acceptance
    • Achieve
    • Add
    • Adventure
    • Align
    • All in
    • Allow
    • Anchor
    • And
    • Awe
    • Balance
    • Be
    • Begin
    • Believe
    • Better
    • Bloom
    • Bold
    • Boundaries
    • Brave
    • Breathe
    • Bright
    • Build
    • Capture
    • Care
    • Celebrate
    • Challenge
    • Change
    • Cherish
    • Choose
    • Comeback
    • Committed
    • Compassion
    • Complete
    • Compose
    • Connect
    • Courage
    • Create
    • Cultivate
    • Decrease
    • Delight
    • Devotion
    • Discipline
    • Do
    • Dwell
    • Embody
    • Embrace
    • Emerge
    • Enjoy
    • Enough
    • Epic
    • Experience
    • Experiment
    • Explore
    • Faithful
    • Flourish
    • Fly
    • Focus
    • Forge
    • Forward
    • Free
    • Freedom
    • Fresh
    • Future
    • Gain
    • Generous
    • Gentle
    • Give
    • Go
    • Goals
    • Grace
    • Grow
    • Habit
    • Happiness
    • Happy
    • Heart
    • Home
    • Honest
    • Immersion
    • Intentional
    • Invest
    • Journey
    • Joy
    • Learn
    • Less
    • Light
    • Listen
    • Love
    • Magic
    • Make
    • Margin
    • Meaningful
    • Mercy
    • Mindful
    • Moment
    • More
    • Move
    • Must
    • Myself
    • Nourish
    • Nurture
    • Open
    • Order
    • Patience
    • Peace
    • Persevere
    • Play
    • Positive
    • Practice
    • Prayer
    • Prepare
    • Present
    • Progress
    • Purge
    • Purpose
    • Quiet
    • Reduce
    • Refresh
    • Release
    • Renew
    • Renovate
    • Reset
    • Revive
    • Rise
    • Seek
    • Self
    • Share
    • Shine
    • Simple
    • Simplify
    • Sing
    • Smile
    • Solace
    • Soul
    • Space
    • Sparkle
    • Speak
    • Strength
    • Strive
    • Strong
    • Surrender
    • Thrive
    • Time
    • Treasure
    • True
    • Trust
    • Understand
    • Value
    • Wonder
    • Wellness
    • Whole
    • Wild
    • Wisdom
    • Work
    • Wow

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