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    Commit To Your Dream

    Everyone has dreams and aspirations. Whether you’re thinking about places you want to go, or people you want to meet, or the career ladder you want to climb, I’m sure you have goals and dreams, too.

    It’s interesting to think about what people do with those dreams. Everything great that has ever been accomplished started with a dream, and some people jump right into the pursuit of their goals, taking massive action toward their accomplishment. Momentum builds as they experience tiny wins, and soon they have achieved or even surpassed even their own expectations around the result they wanted to achieve.

    Many people never get started, though. Perhaps their goal seems daunting or overwhelming, and they don’t know where to begin. Or fear sets in – either of failure or of success – and the safety of their comfort zone remains more attractive than venturing out into the unknown.

    Even those who get started sometimes get tripped up along the way. They bump into obstacles that slow them down, or cause them to abandon their plans altogether. As former professional boxer Mike Tyson said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

    So, how do you get started, move out of your comfort zone, and overcome obstacles? By committing to your dream, and deciding that you’re going to go for it and that nothing is going to stop you from achieving your desired outcome.

    Commitment is far easier with a clear-cut plan for success. This plan becomes a blueprint, or a recipe for achieving your goals. When you have an action plan, it’s much easier to see yourself accomplishing your goal. To believe it’s possible. To believe in yourself.

    Here are a few questions to consider as you create your action plan for success:

    – What is the timeframe for your goal? How long will it take you to accomplish it?

    – What are the specific steps you must take in order to achieve your goal? And when will each step be completed?

    – What has to happen for you to accomplish each step? Who else needs to be involved? What support structures do you need in place to make your dream a reality?

    – How will you measure success? Someone once said, “What gets measured gets done.” How will you know if you’re moving in the direction of your desired outcome?

    Remember, everyone who accomplished their dreams started from square one, which might be where you are today. But if you create a plan, and take action that moves you in the direction of your desired results, you will eventually realize your dreams!

    Subscribe today for ideas, tools and strategies on how to BE YOUR BEST – in EVERY area of life!