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    Exchange 2020

    Earlier this month, I had the honor of attending an event called Exchange, which this year was held in Palm Beach, Florida. Exchange was started by John Maxwell, the person Inc. Magazine calls the No. 1 leadership and management expert in the world. The event is a unique three-day leadership experience that combines personal interaction with John, relationship building with some of the most amazing leaders you’ll ever meet, and once-in-a-lifetime immersive experiences.

    Here are several takeaways from the event:

    What one thing, if it got better, would make the biggest difference in your life?
    Master your mornings. All’s well that begins well.
    Believe in people. Value people. Love people unconditionally.
    The bookends of success: Preparation on the front end, and reflection on the back end.
    If opportunity knocks, it’s too late to prepare. – John Wooden
    Good leaders take time to figure out the best place for people, then lift them up and help them to be successful in that place.
    ASK BIG. You’re going to get a few nos. But all you need is a few yesses.
    Big people make you bigger, and small people make you smaller.
    Exceed expectations. If you just give them what they thought they were going to get, you haven’t done anything.
    The question is not, “Will your calendar be full?” The question is, “How will you fill your calendar.”

    I always learn and grow when I attend Exchange. Hopefully, these takeaways add value to you, too.

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