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    Exchange 2022

    Each year for the past six years, I’ve had the pleasure of attending an event called Exchange. Hosted by leadership and management expert John Maxwell, this year’s event was held in San Diego, California. Highlights include touring the Taylor Guitars factory and meeting with cofounder Bob Taylor, learning about leadership on the world stage from former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, a private concert and Q&A with Jewel, and training on the beach with former and retired Navy SEALs.

    I’m a learner, and I always learn and grow from attending live events. Here are some nuggets of wisdom from this year’s event:

    Play now and pay later, or pay now and play later. Either way, you’re going to pay.
    Try not to start things you’re not going to do, so you have more time to do the things you are going to do.
    Some things have to be managed, not fixed.
    Give more than you receive, and you’ll receive more than you can ever give.
    Intentional living maximizes life.
    Small deeds are greater than great intentions.
    One is too small a number to achieve greatness.
    When you’re climbing the mountain, take as many people to the top as you can.
    Definition of “nightmare”: A great dream with a bad team.
    You’re going to add if you do it; you’re going to multiply if others do it.
    Success is having those who know you the best love and respect you the most.
    The speed of the vision is determined by the people and the finances. 
    The saddest thing about growth is that you outgrow a lot of people.

    What event have you attended recently, and what are some takeaways from the event?

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