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    The first half of 2022 is coming to a close. If this year was a sporting event, and you were sitting in the locker room at halftime, how would you assess the first half of your year?

    Are you where you want to be? Have you made significant progress toward this achievement of your one-year goals? What’s going well, and which areas could use some improvement?

    Hopefully, you’ve had some “scores” in the first half of the year. If that’s the case, then congratulations! Feel good about your accomplishments, and use them to catapult you into the second half of the year.

    If the first half of the year could have gone better for you, then realize there’s still plenty of time to make 2022 a great year. Like a team that makes adjustments in the locker room to prepare for the second half of the game, you have that same opportunity to prepare for the second half of 2022. 

    This has been a great year for me so far, and I’m incredibly blessed. One of the business highlights has been the recent completion of our “Living Your Best Year Ever” beta class. If you were part of that program, then you know what a “win” that was for me, my team, and – most importantly – for everyone who participated. 

    I’ll share more about LYBYE as we make the program available to everyone. You’ll definitely want to enroll, and incorporate the tools and strategies contained in the course into your life.

    One thing I underestimated, though, was the amount of time and energy required to create and deliver the program. I want to be very transparent here, because it’s instructive of how life plays out sometimes.

    One of my Top 5 goals for this year (I don’t just talk about these concepts – I actually use them in my life) is to create and deliver the “Living Your Best Year Ever” program. Because it’s a Top 5 goal, I’ve oriented my time, energy and life around creating that result. And the results of that investment played out in the creation and delivery of the beta version of the course.

    One thing I noticed, though, was that two specific areas of my life were temporarily put on the back burner in an effort to create this program. One was exercise, and the other was quality time with my family. Because sleep is critical in providing rest and rejuvenation – and even more so when you’re pushing yourself hard mentally and/or physically, I’ve been intentional about honoring the amount of rest I need.

    If you did the math, then you would know something had to give.

    Now that the beta version of LYBYE is complete, I’m “recalibrating” to make sure I keep the important parts of my life – and the most important people in my life – at the forefront. 

    So, why am I sharing this with you? To give you a real example of how life works – in my life, and in your life. Even when you’re laser focused on a standard of excellence, there are ebbs and flows. The areas of your life will never be perfectly balanced – especially when you’re pushing hard to create phenomenal results in one or more areas of your life.

    The end of a quarter is a great point in the calendar to evaluate and plan your progress. If you do this every quarter, you’ll increase the likelihood of staying on track, and creating the results you want to achieve.

    Take time today to evaluate how life is going for you – in every area of life. At a minimum, assess the following areas of life on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being “excellent”:

    – Business / Career
    – Personal Development
    – Wealth / Finances
    – Relationships / Family
    – Health / Fitness
    – Spiritual
    – Fun & Pleasure

    If your answer is less than a 10, then think about – and write down in your journal – what has to happen to get it to a level 10. Then take massive action to move each area from where you are to where you want to be!

    I hope the second half of the year is amazing for you, in every area of life!

    Subscribe today for ideas, tools and strategies on how to BE YOUR BEST – in EVERY area of life!