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    Notes From My Commencement Speech

    One of my Big Dog Goals is to “deliver a commencement speech.” There are two reasons for this desire. 

    The first is personal: If it was accompanied by an honorary doctorate degree, I would finally be able to use the title, “Dr.,” which would be pretty cool. Given the high unlikelihood of my returning to school anytime soon, this would be the only way to receive such a degree.

    The second reason is far less selfish. I would love the opportunity to deliver a commencement speech, in order to impart wisdom and advice to a group of young people who are about to be launched into the world. Young people are our future, and adding value to them would be an incredible honor and privilege.

    Unfortunately, I probably won’t be delivering such an address anytime soon. I am not a celebrity, or a Fortune 500 CEO. I have never held a political office, or won a Nobel Prize. “Author” might be my best qualification, but I cannot boast “New York Times bestselling” in front of that title. (At least, not yet.)

    Because the 2021 commencement speakers have either spoken already or been chosen for this year, my goal will have to wait at least another year. 

    When that call comes, rest assured I will be prepared. In fact, I already have a few  notes prepared for my talk. The title of my commencement address would be “Develop Success Habits, and Practice Them Daily.” That title happens to be a chapter title from my book, “Life Lessons: A Guide to Creating and Living Your Best Life.” In the chapter, I list 15 habits of highly successful people.

    Here are several of these success habits, adapted from Life Lessons:

    Habit #1: Create Clear, Written Goals

    Successful people have clear, written goals. They know exactly who they want to be, where they want to go, and what they want to accomplish. Clear, written goals can help you to create significant results in every area of your life.

    Habit #3: Practice Discipline

    Successful people decide what it’s going to take to be successful, and then they do those things. They focus like a laser on their goal, and discipline themselves to follow their plan for achieving that goal.

    Habit #6: Be Enthusiastic

    Successful people are extremely enthusiastic about what they do. In fact, this passion is the fuel that drives them to do what they do. Enthusiasm will not only inspire your own confidence and drive you, but it will have a positive effect on others, as well. Enthusiasm is contagious. 

    Habit #8: Be Adaptable

    With all the changes going on in the world today, the ability to adapt and remain flexible is no longer optional – it’s imperative. Whereas the ability to adapt used to be a choice, it is now an essential ingredient for success.

    Habit #12: Have Confidence

    Successful people believe in themselves, and in their ability to succeed at whatever they do. This confidence removes the limitations created by doubt and fear. When you believe in yourself, and in your abilities, your mind will help you find ways to accomplish your goals.

    Habit #15: Send Handwritten Thank You Notes

    It’s one of the easiest and most powerful things you can do for another person. And yet so many people don’t do it. Express your appreciation by sending handwritten thank you notes. When you send a handwritten note, your recipient will appreciate the kind gesture. It will also set you apart from everyone else because, unfortunately, almost no one writes handwritten notes anymore.

    Whether or not I’ll ever achieve my goal of delivering a commencement speech to a group of graduates, I’m grateful that some of them will read this post, and others will read Life Lessons.

    I’m so proud of the Class of ’21! 

    Navigating through their senior year during a global pandemic presented a unique set of challenges. I hope and pray the discipline, perseverance and adaptability required of these young men and women will serve them well, and equip them for success throughout their lives.

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