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    The Magic Timeframe For Achieving Your Goals

    It’s the beginning of April, and the start of the second quarter of the year. As I was recently reviewing my first quarter results and planning my goals for the second quarter, I realized I’ve never written about one of the most important tools I use to achieve my goals.

    Several years ago, I worked with Brian Tracy in a program called Focal Point. This was a group coaching program, where about 30 of us would meet every three months in San Diego. I would fly out Thursday evening, participate in the program on Friday, and then stay the weekend in what would become my favorite place in the contiguous United States. It was an incredible blessing to be able to do this every three months, and I actually continued the routine for a couple of years after the program ended.

    This experience catapulted my life to a whole new level. I got to know Brian quite well during our time together, and now consider him not only a good friend, but one of the handful of people who has profoundly impacted my life.

    Additionally, I was able to meet and get to know a number of what I call “action-oriented super achievers.” It was both humbling and inspiring to be around this group of incredibly successful people. I understood more clearly than ever the value of surrounding yourself with success, and the effect it has on you.

    The biggest benefit of that season in my life was the development of a simple but extremely powerful goal achievement strategy: the 90-day timeframe.

    By the time I stopped going to San Diego, the strategy of planning my life in 90-day increments had become a habit – one that I continue to practice today.

    What makes the 90-day timeframe the “magic timeframe” for achieving your goals? 90 days is long enough to make significant progress toward your desired outcome, but short enough that, if for some reason you fall short, you’re able to quickly regroup and get back on track.

    Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of this magical timeframe, and discuss how you can use this strategy to crush your goals.

    It increases the likelihood of achieving your goals

    It’s very hard to predict what’s going to happen over the next five years, or even the next three years. The next 90 days, however, are highly predictable. By breaking down a Big Dog Goal into smaller steps, and then focusing only on what must be accomplished in the next 90 days, you are far more likely to achieve your desired outcome.

    It’s easier to stay motivated

    A 90-day timeframe provides a clear, concise plan for what needs to be accomplished. We all know that Big Dog Goals can sometimes be overwhelming. By reducing your goal to small, manageable steps, it’s easier to see yourself doing what’s needed in order to accomplish that goal. This is not only easier to manage, but it’s also easier to hold yourself accountable, and maintain your enthusiasm and drive.

    You are more likely to stay on track

    Circumstances can change dramatically over a period of a few years. Although life can change in 90 days, too, that’s far less likely to occur. Because of this, when you plan your goals in 90-day increments, your environment is more stable, and the results tend to be more predictable. If you follow your 90-day plan, chances are good that you’ll be successful.

    It’s the beginning of a new quarter, and the perfect time to begin experimenting with the Magic Timeframe. Take out a sheet of paper, and write down everything you would like to accomplish in the next 90 days. Next, break each goal down even further. What do you need to do each month to get to where you need to be in 90 days? Now, determine what needs to happen this week. Take out your calendar or planner, and write down the specific actions you need to take to move you in the direction of your desired outcomes. As they come up in your calendar, do them!

    I hope this 90-day action plan provides the clarity, excitement and focus you need to crush your goals! Please email me, or share your success in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you!

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