World Kindness Day 2020
In my book, “Life Lessons: A Guide to Creating and Living Your Best Life,” one of the chapters is entitled “Making a Difference.” In honor of World Kindness Day, I encourage you to perform one random act of kindness every day. Here are seven ideas to get you started:
1. Allow the person behind you at the grocery store to go ahead of you when he/she only has one or two items.
2. Have lunch delivered for you and your co-workers, and pick up the tab.
3. Send a note of appreciation to someone who has made a positive impact on your life.
4. At the coffee shop, pay an extra $10. Ask the server to pay for the person behind you, and to keep whatever is left over.
5. Compliment someone you see – on their attire, their demeanor, or whatever else stands out for you.
6. Call someone you haven’t spoken with in a while, to let them know you’re thinking about them.
7. Truly listen to the person with whom you are speaking, in a way that causes them to feel “heard.”
Do something simple every day to show that you care. If each of us did that every day, the world would be a better place.